Selection of paintings, sculptures, and art objects, spanning from ancient times to the ultimate decades of the XIX century, with a particular focus on Italian painting and sculptures.
Ambrogio Borghi (1848 - 1887)The Hair of Berenice Queen of Egypt, 1878
Attributed to Giovan Battista Ciceri (? - Florence 1715)Vase with a grotesque mask and dolphins, c. 1680
Agostino Masucci (Rome, 1691 circa – 1758)The dispute between Ajax and Odysseus over Achilles' weapons, XVII
Italian SchoolCaligula the Emperor, 1830–40
Honorè Pellè (Gap 1641 - Genova 1718)Venus Bust, 1700 - 1710 ca.
Ubaldo Gandolfi (San Matteo della Decima 1728 - Ravenna 1781)Penitent Magdalene, 1770ca.